Chris Segura

Let’s just say growing up around Chris Segura was always an adventure. He was certainly a Curious George, and always… always made me laugh. Buddy, clown, and music-lover he was. Fun times growing up with him. Unfortunately I don’t have many pictures of those fun times. Neither of us ever even thought about taking pictures like people today. Back then we had to get a camera. Film. Take the pics. Wait until the camera roll was full, then take them somewhere to get developed. That was too much of a hassle.

Oh the stories.


“Whatever you do, don’t turn down the music.”

“Watch out, it’s slippery there.”

“You can borrow my new tennis shoes… BUT DON’T GET THEM DIRTY.”

“Shannon and Josie: who’s who?”


Chris was fun. And those adventures… those times. He is missed.